The Path
The De-Constituting of America & Where We The People Are Being Led
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Friday, July 07, 2006
Gettin' Back on the Ground

& Marching Again....
After more than six months not blogging, I'm back at the keyboard. Don't know why, can't explain it, but after the flurry of activity in early fall...I just moved onto other things for a while.
Well, I'll start blowing the dust off some of the old thoughts, add some new & some current events...will try to at least get something posted every couple days or so.
Take Care.
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
1845 & Light Years Ahead
Ever wonder why we're encouraged to view history with boredom, ancient, uncultured attitudes? Perhaps it is because the entire deterioration of our country was foreseen, foreshadowed & WE THE PEOPLE were forewarned.
If WE were curious enough, valued experience OR just plain talked to our elders more, perhaps WE would begin to see how things WERE and compare them to how things ARE.
How is it that a person could know how things would develop in our society more than 150 years before they actually did? Anyways, I stumbled across this and boy did it hit the nail on the proverbial head....
"The government would gradually pass from the hands of the majority of the party into those of its leaders; as the struggle became more intense, and the honors and emoluments [a payment in money] of the government the all-absorbing objects. At this stage, principles and policy would lose all influence in the elections; and cunning, falsehood, deception, slander, fraud, and gross appeals to the appetites of the lowest and most worthless portions of the community, would take the place of sound reason and wise debate.
After these have thoroughly debased and corrupted the community, and all the arts and devices of party have been exhausted, the government would vibrate between the two factions (for such will parties have become) at each successive election. Neither would be able to retain power beyond some fixed term; for those seeking office and patronage would become too numerous to be rewarded by the offices and patronage at the disposal of the government; and these being the sole objects of pursuit, the disappointed would, at the next succeeding election, throw their weight into the opposite scale, in the hope of better success at the next turn of the wheel."
Here's the full excerpt...
"The conflict between the two parties, in the government of the numerical majority, tends necessarily to settle down into a struggle for the honors and emoluments of the government; and each, in order to obtain an object so ardently desired, will, in the process of the struggle, resort to whatever measure may seem best calculated to effect this purpose. The adoption, by the one, of any measure, however objectionable, which might give it an advantage, would compel the other to follow its example.
In such case, it would be indispensable to success to avoid division and keep united — and hence, from a necessity inherent in the nature of such governments, each party must be alternately forced, in order to insure victory, to resort to measures to concentrate the control over its movements in fewer and fewer hands, as the struggle became more and more violent. This, in process of time, must lead to party organization, and party caucuses and discipline; and these, to the conversion of the honors and emoluments of the government into means of rewarding partisan services, in order to secure the fidelity and increase the zeal of the members of the party.
The effect of the whole combined, even in the earlier stages of the process, when they exert the least pernicious influence, would be to place the control of the two parties in the hands of their respective majorities; and the government itself, virtually, under the control of the majority of the dominant party, for the time, instead of the majority of the whole community — where the theory of this form of government vests it.
Thus, in the very first stage of the process, the government becomes the government of a minority instead of a majority — a minority, usually, and under the most favorable circumstances, of not much more than one-fourth of the whole community. But the process, as regards the concentration of power, would not stop at this stage. The government would gradually pass from the hands of the majority of the party into those of its leaders; as the struggle became more intense, and the honors and emoluments of the government the all-absorbing objects.
At this stage, principles and policy would lose all influence in the elections; and cunning, falsehood, deception, slander, fraud, and gross appeals to the appetites of the lowest and most worthless portions of the community, would take the place of sound reason and wise debate. After these have thoroughly debased and corrupted the community, and all the arts and devices of party have been exhausted, the government would vibrate between the two factions (for such will parties have become) at each successive election. Neither would be able to retain power beyond some fixed term; for those seeking office and patronage would become too numerous to be rewarded by the offices and patronage at the disposal of the government; and these being the sole objects of pursuit, the disappointed would, at the next succeeding election, throw their weight into the opposite scale, in the hope of better success at the next turn of the wheel.
These vibrations would continue until confusion, corruption, disorder, and anarchy, would lead to an appeal to force — to be followed by a revolution in the form of the government. Such must be the end of the government of the numerical majority; and such, in brief, the process through which it must pass, in the regular course of events, before it can reach it. This transition would be more or less rapid, according to circumstances The more numerous the population, the more extensive the country, the more diversified the climate, productions, pursuits and character of the people, the more wealthy, refined, and artificial their condition — and the greater the amount of revenues and disbursements — the more unsuited would the community be to such a government, and the more rapid would be the passage.
On the other hand, it might be slow in its progress amongst small communities, during the early stages of their existence, with inconsiderable revenues and disbursements, and a population of simple habits; provided the people are sufficiently intelligent to exercise properly, the right of suffrage, and sufficiently conversant with the rules necessary to govern the deliberations of legislative bodies. It is, perhaps, the only form of popular government suited to a people, while they remain in such a condition. Any other would be not only too complex and cumbersome, but unnecessary to guard against oppression, where the motive to use power for that purpose would be so feeble.
And hence, colonies, from countries having constitutional governments, if left to themselves, usually adopt governments based on the numerical majority. But as population increases, wealth accumulates, and, above all, the revenues and expenditures become large — governments of this form must become less and less suited to the condition of society; until, if not in the mean time changed into governments of the concurrent majority, they must end in an appeal to force, to be followed by a radical change in its structure and character; and, most probably, into monarchy in its absolute form."
excerpt from: A Disquisition on Government by John C. Calhoun, 1845.
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If WE were curious enough, valued experience OR just plain talked to our elders more, perhaps WE would begin to see how things WERE and compare them to how things ARE.
How is it that a person could know how things would develop in our society more than 150 years before they actually did? Anyways, I stumbled across this and boy did it hit the nail on the proverbial head....
"The government would gradually pass from the hands of the majority of the party into those of its leaders; as the struggle became more intense, and the honors and emoluments [a payment in money] of the government the all-absorbing objects. At this stage, principles and policy would lose all influence in the elections; and cunning, falsehood, deception, slander, fraud, and gross appeals to the appetites of the lowest and most worthless portions of the community, would take the place of sound reason and wise debate.
After these have thoroughly debased and corrupted the community, and all the arts and devices of party have been exhausted, the government would vibrate between the two factions (for such will parties have become) at each successive election. Neither would be able to retain power beyond some fixed term; for those seeking office and patronage would become too numerous to be rewarded by the offices and patronage at the disposal of the government; and these being the sole objects of pursuit, the disappointed would, at the next succeeding election, throw their weight into the opposite scale, in the hope of better success at the next turn of the wheel."
Here's the full excerpt...
"The conflict between the two parties, in the government of the numerical majority, tends necessarily to settle down into a struggle for the honors and emoluments of the government; and each, in order to obtain an object so ardently desired, will, in the process of the struggle, resort to whatever measure may seem best calculated to effect this purpose. The adoption, by the one, of any measure, however objectionable, which might give it an advantage, would compel the other to follow its example.
In such case, it would be indispensable to success to avoid division and keep united — and hence, from a necessity inherent in the nature of such governments, each party must be alternately forced, in order to insure victory, to resort to measures to concentrate the control over its movements in fewer and fewer hands, as the struggle became more and more violent. This, in process of time, must lead to party organization, and party caucuses and discipline; and these, to the conversion of the honors and emoluments of the government into means of rewarding partisan services, in order to secure the fidelity and increase the zeal of the members of the party.
The effect of the whole combined, even in the earlier stages of the process, when they exert the least pernicious influence, would be to place the control of the two parties in the hands of their respective majorities; and the government itself, virtually, under the control of the majority of the dominant party, for the time, instead of the majority of the whole community — where the theory of this form of government vests it.
Thus, in the very first stage of the process, the government becomes the government of a minority instead of a majority — a minority, usually, and under the most favorable circumstances, of not much more than one-fourth of the whole community. But the process, as regards the concentration of power, would not stop at this stage. The government would gradually pass from the hands of the majority of the party into those of its leaders; as the struggle became more intense, and the honors and emoluments of the government the all-absorbing objects.
At this stage, principles and policy would lose all influence in the elections; and cunning, falsehood, deception, slander, fraud, and gross appeals to the appetites of the lowest and most worthless portions of the community, would take the place of sound reason and wise debate. After these have thoroughly debased and corrupted the community, and all the arts and devices of party have been exhausted, the government would vibrate between the two factions (for such will parties have become) at each successive election. Neither would be able to retain power beyond some fixed term; for those seeking office and patronage would become too numerous to be rewarded by the offices and patronage at the disposal of the government; and these being the sole objects of pursuit, the disappointed would, at the next succeeding election, throw their weight into the opposite scale, in the hope of better success at the next turn of the wheel.
These vibrations would continue until confusion, corruption, disorder, and anarchy, would lead to an appeal to force — to be followed by a revolution in the form of the government. Such must be the end of the government of the numerical majority; and such, in brief, the process through which it must pass, in the regular course of events, before it can reach it. This transition would be more or less rapid, according to circumstances The more numerous the population, the more extensive the country, the more diversified the climate, productions, pursuits and character of the people, the more wealthy, refined, and artificial their condition — and the greater the amount of revenues and disbursements — the more unsuited would the community be to such a government, and the more rapid would be the passage.
On the other hand, it might be slow in its progress amongst small communities, during the early stages of their existence, with inconsiderable revenues and disbursements, and a population of simple habits; provided the people are sufficiently intelligent to exercise properly, the right of suffrage, and sufficiently conversant with the rules necessary to govern the deliberations of legislative bodies. It is, perhaps, the only form of popular government suited to a people, while they remain in such a condition. Any other would be not only too complex and cumbersome, but unnecessary to guard against oppression, where the motive to use power for that purpose would be so feeble.
And hence, colonies, from countries having constitutional governments, if left to themselves, usually adopt governments based on the numerical majority. But as population increases, wealth accumulates, and, above all, the revenues and expenditures become large — governments of this form must become less and less suited to the condition of society; until, if not in the mean time changed into governments of the concurrent majority, they must end in an appeal to force, to be followed by a radical change in its structure and character; and, most probably, into monarchy in its absolute form."
excerpt from: A Disquisition on Government by John C. Calhoun, 1845.
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Monday, November 07, 2005
"Wealthiest Nation, Ownership Society"??

Are WE wealthy when we are spending more than WE are saving & now more than WE are even earning? Savings have been decreasing for since the early '80's...
Do WE own something when WE are making payments on it? If so, what happens should WE stop making payments on our house, car, etc.? Buying on "credit" has been made easy & "secure"...anyways, it's not like it's actually money, is it?
How long could WE continue to not make payments and keep "our" things? For a while WE can get "new" credit to pay off the "old." For a while....
Are countries truly any different? Perhaps on a different scale, but wouldn't that just make it worse when "new" credit is no longer available?
Who is going to pay the debt interest when WE can't afford food, clothes & shelter? Do you think our creditors will come repossess assets or allow US to file bankruptcy??
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Equal Opportunity?
Opening the door...our privately-held "Federal" Reserve is opening up their hiring requirements for Equal Opportunity...from Monday's Federal Register...
To address the diminishing number of available graduates with Ph.Ds
in economics and other needed skills who are U.S. citizens, the Board
proposes to revise its policy regarding hiring for positions that
require access to sensitive information. This will allow the Board to
hire qualified non-citizens in certain positions of importance to the
Board's duties and for which a growing proportion of qualified
candidates in the applicant pool are non-citizens.
Currently, the Board does not hire individuals who are non-citizens into positions that require access to certain types of sensitive information unless the non-citizen intends to obtain and does, in fact, seek U.S. citizenship. The Board proposes to amend its rule to allow it to hire non-citizens without intention of becoming U.S. citizens into positions that require access to sensitive FOMC information in certain circumstances.
Comments on the proposed rule change are being requested...Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity
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To address the diminishing number of available graduates with Ph.Ds
in economics and other needed skills who are U.S. citizens, the Board
proposes to revise its policy regarding hiring for positions that
require access to sensitive information. This will allow the Board to
hire qualified non-citizens in certain positions of importance to the
Board's duties and for which a growing proportion of qualified
candidates in the applicant pool are non-citizens.
Currently, the Board does not hire individuals who are non-citizens into positions that require access to certain types of sensitive information unless the non-citizen intends to obtain and does, in fact, seek U.S. citizenship. The Board proposes to amend its rule to allow it to hire non-citizens without intention of becoming U.S. citizens into positions that require access to sensitive FOMC information in certain circumstances.
Comments on the proposed rule change are being requested...Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity
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Friday, November 04, 2005 - Oakland Seizes Land, Swaps Retailer
Tick Tock, Tick Tock..."Public Purpose" & "Re-Development" coming soon to property near you OR perhaps even owned by you.
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Thursday, November 03, 2005
To the Penny
Just in case you didn't see or hear about this out there in the "mainstream"...We The People passed a millstone on October 31st.
I know milestone is more correct, but "millstone tied around our necks" is more like it...Talk about Happy Halloween....
The TOTAL U.S. PUBLIC DEBT exceeded eight million, million dollars for the first time ever. This big a number, $8,027,123,404,214 might be easier shown as,
$26, 975 owed by EVERY person in the country
$56,299 owed by EVERY Employed Civilian Worker
Add in CONSUMER (PRIVATE) DEBT...and it's an additional,
$7,233 owed by EVERY person
$15,095 owed by EVERY employed worker
But just remember, GDP is up & growing strong!! Sleep tight & keep spending.
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I know milestone is more correct, but "millstone tied around our necks" is more like it...Talk about Happy Halloween....
The TOTAL U.S. PUBLIC DEBT exceeded eight million, million dollars for the first time ever. This big a number, $8,027,123,404,214 might be easier shown as,
$26, 975 owed by EVERY person in the country
$56,299 owed by EVERY Employed Civilian Worker
Add in CONSUMER (PRIVATE) DEBT...and it's an additional,
$7,233 owed by EVERY person
$15,095 owed by EVERY employed worker
But just remember, GDP is up & growing strong!! Sleep tight & keep spending.
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Friday, October 28, 2005
ABC News: For Big Oil, Pricey Gas Means Big Profits
Let's more accurately expand the headline to include:
For Big Government, Pricey Gas & Big Profits Mean...BIG TAX REVENUES.
Just go to page 8 of Exxon's quarterly statment and see the $25.84 billion in record taxes paid vs. the "record" $9.9 billion in profit.
Before WE The People keep giving money out of our pockets...perhaps WE should ask ourselves,
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For Big Government, Pricey Gas & Big Profits Mean...BIG TAX REVENUES.
Just go to page 8 of Exxon's quarterly statment and see the $25.84 billion in record taxes paid vs. the "record" $9.9 billion in profit.
Before WE The People keep giving money out of our pockets...perhaps WE should ask ourselves,
- Do WE want private companies to earn more profit, encouraging investment & paying dividends back to WE The People if we choose to own stock, OR
- Do WE want more regulation, price controls & bureaucrats to get the money to then choose how it should be spent & which special interest screams the loudest for it??
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Saturday, October 22, 2005
Who was the 2nd choice? by Ann Coulter Oct 20, 2005
Do you think we know where she stands? Talk about staying off the fence...whew, whatta gal!
To avoid the P.C. police....strictly used in the context of:
3. gal - alliterative term for girl (or woman)
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
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To avoid the P.C. police....strictly used in the context of:
3. gal - alliterative term for girl (or woman)
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
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Monday, October 17, 2005
Reform Ohio Now?
Four Ohio constitutional amendments are scheduled to be voted on November 8th...they are designed and being sold as a way to "improve accountability and reform Ohio's electoral system."
The proposed any Issue below to open a link to the actual ballot language each with a Pro & Con argument.
Issue 2--Allow people to vote via mail.
Issue 3--Limit campaign contributions to ANY political campaign to specific annual amounts.
Issue 4--Establish an "Independent Commission" to change legislative districts.
Issue 5--Establish a "Board of Elections" to oversee Ohio elections.
On the face, the group and the amendments all appear solid and beneficial to effect "reform." However, my issue is that if the Reform Ohio Now's amendments pass, the spelling of OHIO will change to OH-DCNY-IO. With outsiders right in the middle.
What We The People of Ohio aren't being told is the entire initiative has been driven by M&R Strategic Services, the Washington, D.C. consulting arm of a large New York lobbying law firm, Malkin & Ross. M&R actually established the website two months BEFORE Reform Ohio Now became a registered Ohio Non-Profit Corporation.
But Reform Ohio Now, claiming to be "a non-partisan group, [is] working with thousands of volunteers across the state to pass these reforms. " Since all (ok, 95.8%) of the seed money was paid from New York, DC & California lobbyists & special interest groups, how is that "non-partisan" & state based?
Here's how they put it...from:
Vote YES on Issues 2, 3, 4, & 5 on November 8 - real, common-sense reforms to take our state back from the politicians who have failed us:
Issue 2: Makes it easier to vote by allowing all Ohioans to vote by mail--chance of fraud won't go up at all, would it?
Issue 3: Helps stop the influence of big money in elections by greatly reducing campaign contributions. --If you can't get donations (other than $50 to $250), then only the personally rich will have any chance of being elected.
Issue 4: Stops the politicians from drawing their own legislative districts and puts an Independent Commission in charge of this process. --Don't like the districts now, then vote the bums out of office, impeach them, whatever. Don't like the districts drawn by the appointed "Commission" what recourse do we have? Un-elected means un-accountable. Don't believe it...try to get anything done in a bureaucracy. Ever gone to renew your license plates, get a driver's license?
Issue 5: Places a bi-partisan Board of Supervisors in charge of Ohio's elections, instead of a partisan official who backs candidates and takes sides in elections. --Same as Issue 4. But this one is even more direct. The current Secretary of State who oversees elections was elected in 2002 with 59% of the vote and a margin of 564,000 votes. How's that for democracy at work??
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The proposed any Issue below to open a link to the actual ballot language each with a Pro & Con argument.
Issue 2--Allow people to vote via mail.
Issue 3--Limit campaign contributions to ANY political campaign to specific annual amounts.
Issue 4--Establish an "Independent Commission" to change legislative districts.
Issue 5--Establish a "Board of Elections" to oversee Ohio elections.
On the face, the group and the amendments all appear solid and beneficial to effect "reform." However, my issue is that if the Reform Ohio Now's amendments pass, the spelling of OHIO will change to OH-DCNY-IO. With outsiders right in the middle.
What We The People of Ohio aren't being told is the entire initiative has been driven by M&R Strategic Services, the Washington, D.C. consulting arm of a large New York lobbying law firm, Malkin & Ross. M&R actually established the website two months BEFORE Reform Ohio Now became a registered Ohio Non-Profit Corporation.
But Reform Ohio Now, claiming to be "a non-partisan group, [is] working with thousands of volunteers across the state to pass these reforms. " Since all (ok, 95.8%) of the seed money was paid from New York, DC & California lobbyists & special interest groups, how is that "non-partisan" & state based?
Here's how they put it...from:
Vote YES on Issues 2, 3, 4, & 5 on November 8 - real, common-sense reforms to take our state back from the politicians who have failed us:
Issue 2: Makes it easier to vote by allowing all Ohioans to vote by mail--chance of fraud won't go up at all, would it?
Issue 3: Helps stop the influence of big money in elections by greatly reducing campaign contributions. --If you can't get donations (other than $50 to $250), then only the personally rich will have any chance of being elected.
Issue 4: Stops the politicians from drawing their own legislative districts and puts an Independent Commission in charge of this process. --Don't like the districts now, then vote the bums out of office, impeach them, whatever. Don't like the districts drawn by the appointed "Commission" what recourse do we have? Un-elected means un-accountable. Don't believe it...try to get anything done in a bureaucracy. Ever gone to renew your license plates, get a driver's license?
Issue 5: Places a bi-partisan Board of Supervisors in charge of Ohio's elections, instead of a partisan official who backs candidates and takes sides in elections. --Same as Issue 4. But this one is even more direct. The current Secretary of State who oversees elections was elected in 2002 with 59% of the vote and a margin of 564,000 votes. How's that for democracy at work??
I think we have to ask it truly a better democracy we want or will the U.S. Constitution protect us in Article 4, Section 4..."The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government."
From the "I couldn't have said it better" file....
Democracy is the most vile form of government...democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention: have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property: and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.
James Madison
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